Karen Wade Hayes

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A Sheep's Prayer

Dear God,

On this new day, help me remember that I am a beloved sheep of your pasture and you are my Good Shepherd.

When I become so focused on daily tasks of living, eating, sleeping, and caring for myself and others that I become stuck in the brambles of minutia and tangled up in worry, come and free me from the weeds. Carry me back to your side, reminding me to call out to you for help whenever I become stuck again.

When my wool becomes so thick with the cares of the world, please shear off the excess weight I carry. Please help me to relax in your care and be at peace while you skillfully cut away what I should not keep. Carry my burdens and lighten my load, please Lord.

When I wander off, going my own way, following my desires and the things of the world instead of your way, or when I follow other sheep instead of you, please search for me. And when you find me, please hold me close. Use your staff to pull me back as I wander near cliffs and other dangers, rescue and return me to the only safe space in the world – your presence. Help me to point others to you and not lead them astray.

When other sheep hurt me, whether intentionally or unintentionally, rescue, protect, and fight for me. I will rest only in your strength, power, and justice. Please help me live in peace with those around me and not participate in or stir up conflict. Instead, help me trust and obey you throughout my day. Help me share the love you shower on me with others, even when they are hard to love.

My field of vision is limited; I cannot see very far ahead, and I quickly forget what is behind me. I tend to focus only on what is swirling around me, but even my peripheral vision is clouded by sin, busyness, and lies. Help me look to the future through your eyes, not mine, finding comfort in your vision and not worrying ahead, but instead, trusting you to be with me, whatever comes. Help me remember our journey together thus far with deep gratitude for all the ways you have guided, provided, and protected. I put my trust in you alone to lead me in the paths ahead.

Lord, I am defenseless on my own. Help me remain near you, in the familiar comfort of your presence and in the safety of your love. Protect me from the pestilence and decay that threatens my soul. Reveal what plagues me in the hidden places of my heart and heal me. Strengthen me when I am weak and bind me up when I am injured. And please carry me when I am unable to walk.

When all is not well in my world, and I struggle to find rest, help me remember that you alone make me safe. Because of you, I can lie down in peace and sleep.

When I am hungry and thirsty, please do not allow me to be satisfied by grazing in spiritually vacant fields. May no person, philosophy, or habit replace you as the object of my worship and the source of comfort, security, and provision. Feed me that I may feel fully satisfied by the rich provision of your Word. On days that are stormy and conditions are harsh, lead me to still waters so I may drink. O Lord, refresh my soul today.

In times of abundance, when I find myself surrounded by rich grazing grounds, full and content, may I not forget that it all came from you. All good and perfect gifts come from you, and to you alone all glory and honor are due.

God, you called me by name and brought me into your flock. Help me to remain there, with my eyes always on you. Grant my soul peace as I journey with you through the valleys, shadows, and mountain peaks. Remind me of your steadfast presence and shepherd me with mercy, love, and justice. Help me to follow you with trust and joy into this new season and all the way to the end of our journey.

Lord, you are the Good Shepherd. I am your sheep; in you alone, I put my trust. Through your perfect love, and the death and resurrection of Christ, and the power of the Holy Spirit, I will dwell securely in your pasture in this new day. Thank you, and Amen.

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