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As Christians, are we subconsciously viewing our lives through the same lens as those who do not believe in God? Are we forgetting that our faith in Christ makes a difference in how we experience life events and how we interpret and share the stories of our lives?
Remaining strong to the end as a Christian and standing firm in the faith despite the inevitable funguses, infections, attacks, and storms in life is not something we can do alone.
An encouraging reminder for those times when it feels like we are spiritually stagnating: God is always at work, even when we can’t see it.
Years ago, I began a December practice of looking back over the whole year and summarizing it in writing. I have learned that considering the past is an essential spiritual exercise with unexpected benefits.
It is hard to part with physical objects that carry emotional content. Many items I have chosen to hang onto feel like threads connecting me to seasons and people I don't want to release.
I did things in 2020 I never thought I would do. It was a weird year by any standard. As the year ended, I wondered if anything was gained or worth salvaging.
Check out my Good Book List
Reading is one of my favorite pastimes. For many years, I have been drawn to books that edify, teach, encourage, or inspire me — books that are hopeful and/or helpful. Now, I am sharing those books with you!

Becoming a Christian bridges the "infinite abyss" born of humanity's separation from God in the Fall, but it does not guarantee we will never stand at the edge of that abyss and feel its emptiness again. Even though Christ filled our God-shaped void at the point of salvation, there is still a chasm between where we are and where we will be, and we constantly sense it.