Years ago, I began a December practice of looking back over the whole year and summarizing it in writing. I have learned that considering the past is an essential spiritual exercise with unexpected benefits.
Read MoreFew prayers are more powerful than those in which we offer God’s words back to Him.
Read MoreAlthough I have endured some rough seasons, faced with heavy burdens that made gratitude feel elusive, I’ve begun to notice that minor annoyances are more likely to stifle thankfulness in me.
Read MoreOver the past few years, popular culture has hijacked the name “Karen” as a negative label. But rash words, name-calling, and verbal lashing don't bring reconciliation or healing in relationships or cultures.
Read MoreAn unfortunate incident on a California freeway made me wish emotions could be sucked up like dust by a vacuum. Instead, we have to learn how to manage them when the emotional pollen count is high.
Read MoreThe inspiring story of how my dad recovered his hope following the death of my sister, following a three-year battle with ALS in 2010.
Read MoreMaybe a commencement address isn’t meant to be more than a pep talk, but at such a significant moment in those young lives, wouldn’t it be great if it were?
Read MoreAfter watching a pair of ferns build a nest for days, a strong wind knocked it down. Seeing their little home in shambles made me feel sad that my last child was leaving home.
Read MoreParenting can feel like being stuck in a swamp with no way out but to keep slogging. And no wonder it's tough to raise tiny humans – we struggle to be mature and do the right things ourselves.
Read MoreNo matter how productive and hard-working I think I am, sloth is a concern in this modern era of entertainment and comforts available on demand. Why does time matter so much?
Read MoreIt’s no wonder God compares people to sheep so often in the Bible. We share many common traits. One of them is that we are built for community.
Read MoreIt is hard to part with physical objects that carry emotional content. Many items I have chosen to hang onto feel like threads connecting me to seasons and people I don't want to release.
Read MoreThe distraction provided by fiction may temporarily obscure the darkness, but it doesn't drive out darkness. Make-believe stories can transport, but they can't transform.
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